Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Who am I?

Not to be existential right out of the gate, but I have to try to answer the question of who I am. Well, as much as I'd like to take a page out of the Navin Johnson book and say "Adam Kenney is a complex personality, as are most of the small breed of modern day renaissance millionaires", the fact is I'm not a millionaire and I don't think I'm that complex. Plus, I more or less want to stay surface-level, at least for now.

So, let's get my education out of the way so that you can feel a little more comfortable listening to me as I ramble about art and things. My undergrad years were made up of directionless wandering at Bellevue Community College until I up and decided to pursue art and get serious. I got my grades up and transferred to Seattle Pacific University, where I earned my BFA in Studio Art. After working for a bit, I decided to pursue my education some more and earned my MFA in Digital Art at DigiPen Institute of Technology. I've taken classes on everything from figure drawing to character design to 3D modeling to animation to oil painting to all kinds of art history, etc. Hopefully I can use some of that learning to inform you throughout this blog.

Now, the more intimate things.

I love Russian novels. Dostoevsky is a huge inspiration to me, as his books are without a doubt the most soul-wrenching works I've read outside of the Bible.

I'm a board gamer. I'm on my way to being that insane person with way too many games on his shelves. Currently my favorite game is Cosmic Encounter and I'm seriously stoked to be getting The Battle of Five Armies (based on the war in The Hobbit) this Thursday.

I don't watch TV (outside of Seahawks and Mariners games), but I love movies. I used to write little movie scenes that never amounted to anything other than sunken dreams and exercises in futility. However, it was fun. I also used to make short films with my friends that revolved around crazy psychiatrists, dancing weirdos, and homeless David Bowie's. My favorite filmmakers are Wes Anderson, Martin Scorsese, and Spielberg.

I'm sure you'll learn more about me as I continue to post.

I'll leave you with the challenge of the artist, as articulated by Supertramp:

"Dreamer/ You know you are a dreamer/ well can you put your hands in your head/ Oh no!"

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